Find every episodes of the Forte Catholic Podcast here!
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This episode has Catholic Twitter written all over it. From our amazing guests (the co-hosts of the Roman Circus podcast), to twitter-less producer Sam somehow being at the center of Catholic Twitter this week, it’s surely a fun episode! We also give you a peek behind the curtains on how the show is made.
This week we find some levity and light in the darkness in the midst of a tough few weeks. We find laughter throughout the show while still addressing the importance of finding hope with the help of some new ideas and a rap song from Taylor’s High School days. Shaun McAfee rejoins the show to talk about his new book “Social Media Magisterium.”
We have to shift gears this week to respond to the recent news of the abuse scandal. We share our own struggles and try to find a light in the darkness. We find levity in the 2nd segment with a fabulous interview with Emma Fradd of NET Australia.
Fun with the new Bible Lens app & two great guests! Catholic Twitch streamer extraordinaire, Jonathan Blevins, joins the show! He is living out the New Evangelization by sharing the Good News on Twitch. We also speak with fellow podcaster Chris Agron about the fantastic art of Catholic memes.
My guest appearance talking youth ministry and Jesus teaching us to flip over tables in Church on the “Catholic Real” podcast.
Taylor talks to a professional model(what!?!) named Kalyn Hemphill from his hometown. The winner of Project Runway talks about how she keeps and spreads her faith in Hollywood. We also play a new game called “Life Verse” and have fun with a new Bible app.
I made an appearance on the Dude Catholic Show to talks about the joys and struggles of fatherhood. Tune in to the podcast here!
Man I had a blast as a guest on this show! Tune in as we talk the #KikiChallenge, The Little Mermaid, & keeping our flame of faith LIT! Tune in now!
Ever had one of those weeks where everything goes wrong? Taylor did last week. Tune in as we talk about dealing with stress & frustration in our every day lives and when it creeps into our spiritual life. This week’s guest is recent HS grad Blaine Tamez on growing in faith through temptation and peer pressure.
Part 2 of the Forte Catholic & Everyday Catholics Podcast Crossover event is here! Tune in as I join Fr. Ryan Higdon & Alyssa Trutter on their show to talk about the art of conversation.
The Everyday Catholics/Forte Catholic crossover event is (FINALLY) here! Fr. Ryan Higdon & Alyssa Trutter join the show to talk about having a Catholic world view & TONS of laughter. The rest of the show, producer Sam and I do a deep dive into this week’s “Mass Text” segment.
Large cast of characters join this week’s show to talk summer camp, the Avengers, RCIA & Star Wars. Special guest Scott Sollom.
Ever felt crazy in Mass? Bad Music? Bad Homily? Bad lectors? We all have. We commiserate together and try to come up with a solution for how to fix it and the role we play in the whole deal. Guest Kevin Kapchinski.
Taylor is back from his mission trip in Detroit and has some interesting stories to share to say the least. We also talk with Rich Curran about what makes a successful parish and clap back at “The Coaster” podcast about Texas being better than Canada.
Zac Mabry is here! The actor who starred as "Porky" in every millennials favorite children's movie "The Little Rascals" joins the show to talk about his journey of faith and becoming Catholic.
I was honored to be a guest on “The Paul George Show” with the man who played a huge role in my conversion. We talk millennials and the importance of authentic community. Tune in!
I made my EWTN debut as the guest on Bear Woznick’s “Deep Adventure!” We talked about joy, faith and more all surrounding the “Make Catholicism Fun Again” theme. Tune in now on podcast or YouTube!
When doing good sometimes makes do bad, Fr. Anthony Sciarappa(the self-proclaimed King of Catholic Twitter) on being awesome and Brian Baudoin on his support of the show and what he would do if he was in charge.
Surprise guest co-host, the Avengers and the Holy Spirit collide and interview with (another Canadian!) Matt Nelson on indifference & how to combat it.
Jam packed show with convos on Taylor attending a priestly ordination, speaking at a senior's day retreat, attending one of producer Sam's talks and learning a new game called "Google Feud."
We also talk with Pam Marvin about root sin, what it means and how to find healing in our deepest wounds.
This bonus content of the show is a long-from interview with my buddy Dan who has had an “almost complete de-conversion from Catholicism” in recent years. We hear his story & the things that led to where he is today. My hope in having the conversation and sharing it with you is that it will give us reason to think, wrestle with questions/topics & grow into a more loving & supportive community as a Church.
Karlo Broussard rejoins the show to talk about overcoming obstacles in sharing the faith. We also talk about our recent retreat, share a Forte Five countdown of key things taken away from the retreat and how shooting free throws brought a big breakthrough in Taylor’s faith.
Silly thoughts on the Ascension & the one and only Josh Calhoun on a holy desire for marriage and the “Stranger Kings” game.
We talk hilarious notes taken by a young lady at one of Taylor’s recent talks, a twitter debate about a certain part of the Mass and guest Joe Sikorra to share his powerful family story and how God has helped them through extreme hardship.
What!?!? It finally happened! After months of public shaming, Fr. Jared Cooke FINALLY came on the show! Tune is as we laugh for 55 minutes interspersed with conversations of ambition, confession, highlights from his first year of priesthood & more! Tune in to this extra special episode of the show!
Paul George joins the show to talk about finding true happiness. Other topics include crazy stories from the Acts of the Apostles & a new angle on Catholic guilt.
We talked about how Taylor’s marriage is like Adam and Eve’s, “what’s in it for me?” in serving others and sharing bad puns. Trent Horn also rejoined the show to correct some #FakeNews about the saints.
Fun show this week with Everett Fritz, a convo about the best clip from Spiderman: Homecoming and Taylor's favorite Purgatory joke.
With a discussion of doubting Thomas from a whole new perspective & two amazing guests in speaker/author Katie Hartfiel and Catholic YouTube sensation Daniel Glaze, this is not an episode you want to miss!
This week Taylor shared his favorite Easter social media posts, unveiled the results of the #MinistryMadness bracket, discussed expectations & finding your role in the Church with the hosts of "The Coaster" podcast.
Holy Week is here! We will look at it at an angle you've never thought of before(we promise!) From not playing pretend, to the reality of the Gospel message today, a beautiful song and tons of laughter, you don't want to skip this episode. We're also joined by the witty author, Shaun McAfee to discuss his newest book.
Jam packed show this week with a quick update on the closest #MinistryMadness bracket matchups, when hail strikes during Mass, what splitting my pants has to do with why I'm Catholic and an interview with Catholic artist Michelle Arnold Paine.
Taylor went on Sirius XM-The Catholic Channel's "Jennifer Fulwiler Show" to debut his newest "Unpublished Worship Song" about the Apostle Paul
We talked about the launch of the 2nd annual Ministry Madness bracket and how Taylor's chubbiness can benefit you spiritually. We're also joined by Tony Vasinda, host of "The Threshold Podcast."
Ever been bored at Mass? Are you Catholic? If you answered yes to the second question, I already know the answer to the first....We've all been there.
In this episode, we talk about what to do when boredom strikes, the importance of repetition(with hilarious proof) and preparing for Mass in a way that helps us take the Gospel lessons home with Ashley Zahorian, creator of the Mass Box.
The primary focus of this episode is virtue. What is it and how do we grow in it. Great topic for this spiritually focused season of Lent. We are also joined by Doug Tooke to answer some of our burning Catholicism questions in rapid-fire style.
We play "Are you smarter than a 3rd grader?" Lenten edition, interview with Allison Sullivan of the "Sinner, Saint, Sister" podcast and talk about spiritual deserts.
Two fantastic guests this week! We talk to Winter Olympic gold medalist Curt Tomasevicz about how his faith played a huge role throughout his career. We also chat with Erin Dooley, creator of the award-winning Christian musical "Broken and Beautiful."
Fun show this week with Eagles Superfan Rocco rejoining the show, limping into Lent and playing the Catholic Card Game.
Producer Sam's favorite episode. We shared our questions about bilocation, funny stories of what Taylor does when he is tired, and an interview with a (fictitious) Eagles fan in preparation for the Super Bowl. Trey Mirenda helped keep it holy with a discussion on the importance of connecting our hearts and minds in our faith growth.
Two new "Unpublished Worship Songs," what the heck do we do in Ordinary Time and Everett Fritz on real discipleship.
In Taylor's 3rd appearance on Jen's show, he reveals two new comedic "Unpublished Worship Songs" and they talk about how the Scriptures can come to life.
What the Church can learn from Top Golf, the coolest monk you will EVER meet and Trent Horn on having pro-life conversations.
We had a lot of fun creating this one and hope you enjoy listening! Joined by insanely joyful Ali Hoffman to talk about where she finds her joy. We also talk about Jesus giving a talk at a conference last week and prep you for what you won't hear at Mass this Sunday.
The Forte Catholic Podcast made the list of shows to listen to in 2018!
First show of 2018! We look back on some highlights of 2017, talk with the Frank Friar about starting off our prayer well this year and we reveal the top ten most listened to podcast episodes of 2017.
The countdown of the Top 10 most listened to podcast episodes of the year! Find out who won!
I had the pleasure of being a guest on Chuck and Annie Fulkerson's "Salt and Light" podcast. We had a blast in studio talking about living our faith in a culture that it is difficult to do so.
Last podcast of the year! I am joined by the hosts of the Salt and Light Podcast to discuss marriage/parenting and play a couple of games with them. I also share my thoughts on Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Christmas Episode 2017! Last minute preparations with Rod Stewart and sharing of Christmas joy with Brian Baudoin and Producer Sam!
This is hands down the most I have laughed in recording a show all year! It is almost Christmas and this episode is truly a holiday treat! With multiple games, countdowns of favorite Christmas songs and the Christmas story from the mouths of babes, don't miss out on this episode as we all prepare for Christmas together!
I am joined by Academy Award nominee Timothy Reckart, Director of "The Star" to discuss his fresh take on the Christmas story. We also kick off the Catholic New Year with how to utilize the season of Advent to refocus our life on Christ and prepare to be renewed by Him this Christmas.
I'm joined by Steve Pokorny to talking about ridding your life of pornography once and for all. Also, producer Sam and I finish up our recap from the National Youth Workers Convention by talking about a quirky Mass, the parable of the talents and not being Jesus' lawyer.
On our second Thanksgiving episode, we talk about our recent trip to Memphis and the Civil Rights Museum. We are also joined by "International Man of Science" J.P. Quinn.
We finish our 3-part series on Jesus' encounters with his Apostles after the Resurrection and speak with Anthony D'Ambrosio about Catholic Creatives & 8beats. Finally, we introduce a new segment called "Unpublished Worship Songs" that you absolutely can't miss!
We cover it ALL this week as we talk twitter, viral videos, doubting Thomas, the Ultimate Catholic Comic Book, weird prayers, ministry and Star Wars. All in under an hour!
A few months ago, listeners submitted questions or suggested topics for the show. A few of them, Taylor wasn't smart enough to answer alone, so he brought in help!
This episode we explore the Old Testament with some fun stories and a game to prove its not just an "old boring book." Taylor also speaks with author Daniel Mattson about his book "Why I Don't Call Myself Gay."
Two guests this week in two-time surfing world champion and hard core Catholic, Bear Woznick, and the President of Ignatius Press, Mark Brumley. We talk about manhood, being a father and the Protestant Reformation.
Mass Text segment, talking the impact and influence of hip-hop on culture and the Church with Dr. Alex Gotay and a social experiment with AJ Barrows
A celebration of the show's 1 year anniversary! We are joined by the guys from the Catholic Man Show with a BIG announcement for the show, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers about reading the Bible like never before and our favorite memories of the show's 1st year.
Big 50th episode! Taylor talks about his trip for ministry in Iowa, his hilarious first confession and interviews renowned evangelist and author Justin Fatica of Hard As Nails Ministry on finding hope and joy amidst trials.
After a recent trip to the OKC bombing memorial, Taylor shares about anger, righteous anger and the death penalty with the help of professor and author Edward Feser.
As we remember the events of 9/11, we talk about how to respond to fear. I also interview Gina Bauer about balance & prayer in the second segment. I also interview Tom Craughwell about his new book "101 Places to Pray Before You Die."
in this episode, Taylor talks about his First World Problems, interviews the ladies from the dating podcast "Fishers of Men," and talks about bad Church music.
Had the pleasure of being invited back as a guest on the Jennifer Fulwiler Show on Sirius XM's "The Catholic Channel." We talked missionary work, the power of music and finding joy in the midst of hardship.
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, our hearts and prayers go out to those affected. In this episode we talk about the importance of stories. We start by talking about the hurricane aftermath and try to make some sense of it, then interview Eric Sammons about his new short story, and conclude with how stories can lift us up when we are down.
The Forte Catholic Podcast has bonus content available for the shows supporters on Patreon. Join the community, support the show and get bonus rewards for your contribution. This is a sneak peek at what these outtakes are like. Enjoy :)
I had the pleasure of joining my new friends on their podcast "The Catholic Man Show!" Tune in as we discuss a manly drink, manly gear and the importance of men in the faith lives of young people.
We address this week's big event: the solar eclipse. We also connect it to faith in the return of the "Forte Five" segment, interview Fr Terry Ehrman about his book on manhood and wrap up the show with a conversation with long time producer Jake on his last show.
We cover a wide variety of topics this week including bible study, the RCIA process and Young Adult Ministry in the wake of a gathering with the Bishops of the area to explore how to better serve the young Church.
I start this episode sharing from the depths of my heart some of the amazing things God has done for me in the past couple of weeks. After a long period of spiritual dryness, I feel invigorated in my faith for the first time in months.
I also interview Catholic Hip-Hop artist C2six about his music and tremendous conversion story.
My good ol' pal and youth ministry buddy Joe Mastrangelo drove up from Houston to join me for this whole episode. We chatted about thinking outside the box in the ministry as well as coffee and its connection to faith. We also had a friendly(ish) youth ministry trivia competition.
We had a packed studio of 9 local humans to talk about their experience at a recent Jr High Summer Camp as campers, a high school staffer and parents of the campers. We talk about the impact of youth ministry for teens and their parents. We also play a game that pits the youth against the parents.
In this episode I answer listener submitted questions, interview Trent Horn of Catholic Answers on his new book "Why We're Catholic" and play a quick fire trivia game with the producers of the show.
I had the unbelievable privilege to be on The Jennifer Fulwiler Show on Sirius XM's, the Catholic Channel! Tune in as we talk about how the only way I got on her show as the combination of twitter and wine! We also discuss worship, youth ministry and complacency.
In this episode, I discuss listener submitted topics from social media like "Is the Church a business" "I don't get anything Mass" "How do I defend my faith" and more.
I also interview long-time friend Brother Sean Stilson on his preparation for the priesthood and what he is most excited about in his vocation.
Happy 4th of July! In this episode we talk about freedom, walking in the victory Christ won for us and have an interview with Marcus Guevara about technology and faith.
My mom joined me in studio for quite an experience talking about prayer and playing a crazy game. Tune in for some laughs as well as insight into the scriptures, prayer in tough times and the importance of taking a Sabbath.
In this episode, I talk about summer camps, what that has to do with the important and often neglected subject of pre-evangelization and some encouragement for times we struggle to pray consistently.
What happens when you get six Catholics together in a small studio? Hilarity and sharing of faith. Tune in as we play the trivia game "Worship Song or Love Song," interview Marcel LeJeune about bridging the faith gap with millennials and finally, how an R&B song improved Taylor's relationship with God.
I am joined by Tommy Tighe, the Catholic Hipster, for an interview on how we can use social media to build the Kingdom. I also share insights from my recent yearly retreat.
On this episode, the Director of Resource Development at Lifeteen and author of "True North: A roadmap for discernment" Joel Stepanek joins the show as co-host for the whole hour to enlighten us on the topic of discernment.
In the first and third segment of this week's show, we find out how to be "after God's heart" from David in the Old Testament. We look at how David sought God's will, even through trials, and did not hold back in his worship of the Father.
In the second segment, I was pleased to be joined by Catholic Answers author Eric Sammons on his book "The Old Evangelization." He shares how we need to get back to the basics of sharing the Good News the way Jesus did.
This week continues the focus on signs and wonders! So often in the Scriptures, miracles precede people turning to the Lord. We dive in to what we can learn from these stories to improve our prayer and evangelization. I'm also joined by local High School student Ashley Breland to hear her amazing stories of huge answered prayers!
It's good to be back! After missing a week due to illness, I am back at it with full force with a great episode consisting of big show announcements(possibly including an addition to my family), a great interview with the Catholic Drinkie and a fun Bible Trivia Game with some hooligans in the studio.
Tune in for a good mix of games, faith, mixed drinks and scripture! Only on a Catholic podcast!
Huge episode with the winner of the Ministry Madness Bracket revealed live on the air! Tune in now to find out who won and to hear an interview with the fellas from "The Catholic Man Show."
Episode 28 of the show covered a wide range of topics. I talked about the joy of Holy Week and we looked at Sunday's Gospel reading. I also had the pleasure of interviewing popular worship leader Andrew Laubacher and was joined in the studio by some other hooligans to talk about the Ministry Madness bracket.
Introduction of the Ministry Madness Bracket that you can vote on which Catholic Ministry leader would win in a boxing tournament.
I'm also joined by Chris Bartlett to talk about his work with Next Level Ministry and how we can have the best Holy Week possible.
Lent has been a struggle for me this year. I share what has been going on and how a little book written by a monk over 1000 years ago is helping me through it.
I am also joined by "The Catholic Hack" Joe McClane. He shares his amazing life story about how God completely changed his life and what he learned about Fatherhood through it.
We did something special for the 25th episode of the show. Instead of having a guest for 18 minutes in the second segment like normal, I had Rose Sweet as my guest co-host for the entire hour!
The primary reason for having her on the show was to talk about the difficult subject of marriage, divorce and annulments. She has been a speaker and author on the topic for over 25 years and has great personal insight to go along with her deep knowledge of Catholic theology on the issue.
This episode is all about the second most important decision we will ever make: our vocation. Tune in as we discuss what vocations are, how to discern which one God is calling us to and how to live it out. I am also joined by "The Married Catholic Guy" Dean Ouellette to discuss how God saved his marriage from the brink of divorce.
The best show we've ever done! Tune in to hear an interview with Tim Staples about Marian devotion and a conversation with the audience about the best gifts we've ever received and how that connects to giving and receiving mercy.
Mardi Gras show! I talk about stress and Lent and what they have in common. I am also joined by the founder of SPSE to learn about evangelization.
In this episode, I am joined by the "Ragin' Cajun Apologist" Karlo Broussard from Catholic Answers about his conversion miracles. I also dive into two Scripture passages that will help prepare us for Lent.
In what may be the best all-around show yet, I interview speaker and author Trent Horn from Catholic Answers, talk about Pope Francis' thoughts on the Super Bowl as well as discuss the best and worst Valentine's Day stories with those in studio.
In this episode we talk about the Super Bowl, what sports and faith have to do with one another and interview the Pokevangelist.
In this episode I discuss the story of Pentecost, how the Holy Spirit completely changes lives, interview my friend and ministry leader Matt Arismendez and do another "Mass Text" segment about the day's Gospel reading about Jesus healing a possessed man.
On this episode of Forte Catholic, I talk about my experience last weekend on the RED-C Family Retreat, interview the director of the Fullness of Truth Conferences about family ministry and talk about the best advice I have been given for my marriage.
Tune in to this episode of Forte Catholic Radio Podcast for a really fun show about following, twitter, discipleship, an interview with my Twitter friend Lex Lutheran, and counting down my top ten people to follow on twitter.
We focus on the topic of family tonight with what I learned from taking my son to the movie "Sing", an interview with bearded wonder Matt Rice and a reflection on what I learned about marriage as an engaged man.
I tell the crazy story of how she was born on the side of the road and how God was so much a part of that! I'll also reflect on 2016, interview former NET Missionary Sam Shepard about her 2 years on NET and then address the pros and cons of technology for our faith.
First show after Christmas so we talk about favorite Christmas memories, the importance of memories in faith, best/worst Christmas gifts, and the newest Star Wars movie with our guest Brian Lennox, Director of Faith Formation at a newly created parish in the Houston area.
Tune in to this week's show from Red-C Radio for a conversation about finishing Advent strong, some advent/Christmas songs, overcoming failure, and an interview with local youth minister Darren Seibert about celebrating the holidays as a family and more.
This episode is on relationships with Steve Pokorny who started a great ministry called Freedom Coaching and an interview with newly engaged couple. We play the newly made up "Taylor's Marriage Prep Test Game." Tune in to see how they do and learn about Catholic relationships and marriage preparation.
I can't believe I got to interview this giant in apologetics! Tune in to hear the interview with Jimmy Akin about his faith journey and new book as well as a discussion about my trip to the National Catholic Conference of Youth Ministers.
This episode of Forte Catholic kicks off Advent in a special way with Catholic rapper and New York City Youth Minister Brandon Morel, also known as BeTheSymbol. We have an awesome conversation about Advent and inculturation. Ever wondered how the Church and culture mix? Tune in now!
This episode comes during Thanksgiving week and I am very thankful to have such a great guest on the show. Kyle Heimann is from the Catholic Acoustic Humor Rock group Popple and joins us to talk about how music, comedy and storytelling have an impact on reaching people with the Gospel.
We know our nation is in need of healing so that is our topic today! Join for a discussion on Jesus' healings and what they mean for us. Also, a great interview with infectious disease Doctor Seth Sullivan about how he sees God working in his job.
This episode aired in the middle of the election results coverage! We talked about what this election, the Chicago Cubs and Israel all have in common! I was also joined by special guest, Matt Regitz, a professional speaker and youth minister, to talk about hope in our future and how to have hope in tough times. We finished the night by walking through multiple Scripture passages on hope.
A special All Saints Day episode with the obvious discussion on saints, an interview with Alex Gotay and a addressing one of the biggest things keeping us from sainthood.
The podcast for my live show from RED-C Radio on my birthday is available on iTunes now! I spoke about the recent conference I went to for ministry and shared what I learned about the importance of questions, Christian brotherhood with an interview with Missionary Matthew Bachali, answered a few listener questions, and more.
The Forte Catholic show discussion today revolves around three words: discipline, disciple and rebel. This episode was a lot of fun with appearances from Connally Krueger, a member of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets, a segment wrapped around Star Wars and the introduction of the countdown segment, Forte Five.
The second live show podcast on RED-C Radio is now available in podcast form on iTunes and Soundcloud!
Tune in for a discussion on Christian unity, what denominations can learn from each other and how we can love each other through our differences.
Tune in as we kick off the show with a night about Spiritual Warfare. We will discuss my crazy week of travel, what spiritual warfare is, and how we can fight back with special guest, Jennifer Stavinoha.
This pilot episode is focused on mercy as I introduce myself and share how God has shown His mercy to me in big ways. I also interview Dylan Browning about his recent trip to World Youth Day in Poland.
Huge celebration show planned for the 100th episode! We had 8 guests on this episode, all of which have had a huge impact on the show's history. Everyone was brought together for a grand evening indeed!